Economic empowerment links strengthening individual economic literacy and financial self-reliance to improving the economic scope of action for whole collectives, communities, and regions. The basis for self-sufficiency is built by collectivisation and engaging community enterprises in the development process.
Women entrepreneurship results in further empowerment of women. With increased bargaining power, women can negotiate the allocation of resources even within the household.

Agriculture and allied sectors play a pivotal role in providing food security, bringing rural prosperity, and increasing rural income. Due to prolonged hunger and poverty, the weakened condition signals a necessity to increase productivity in food grains and revenue from the farm with an integrated approach to farming. Parinaama conducts Mushroom Cultivation and Farming workshops for landless and small-landholder farmers, especially women, in Jharkhand and Bihar.

Through our skill development programs, we have set up microenterprises in Odisha, Bihar and Jharkhand. The Garment Manufacturing Units are based in Odisha. . We also have a Soap and Sanitary Napkin Manufacturing Unit in Jharkhand which manufactures soaps and pads for sale and distribution in the local communities. We also worked with self-help groups to upskill women in Mithila Art, Candle Making and Confectionery production.

We promote rural women’s entrepreneurship by improving access to markets, credits, and climate-resilient production practices. Women farmers are collectivized into groups to increase the general revenue of mushroom production and build their entrepreneurial capacities. We also aid in creating innovative and sustainable economic partnerships, particularly private vendors for the supply inputs, processing, packaging, and marketing to strengthen the financing capacities of the women-led producer organizations.
Microenterprise Development Program
The microenterprise development programs are a broad-based insight into income- generating programs led by the SHGs. The grassroots emphasis on community also applies to economic initiatives and activities centred around income generation and livelihoods for creating financial assets and resources. The manual has been created with the advice and assistance of resource persons knowledgeable in the domain from the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India. The contents have been modified to suit the small microbusinesses led by poor women. Some elements of the Street Business School, Colorado (USA), are also incorporated for application.