In rural communities, education is not only a gateway to personal growth and empowerment but also a means to break the cycle of poverty. It equips individuals with essential skills and knowledge, fostering self-reliance and opening up opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship. It also contributed to improved health outcomes, as educated individuals are more likely to make informed health decisions and advocate for better healthcare practices. For a vast number of women and girls, education gives them to tools to challenge traditional roles and promote gender equality in their communities. Parinaama strives to enhance literacy rates and educational attainment amongst youth and women, to drive economic progress, paving the way for a more equitable and prosperous society.

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy forms the bedrock of the educational journey, equipping the child with the essential skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic. These skills are fundamental for their cognitive development and critical thinking. Parinaama conducts Foundational Literacy and Numeracy classes for 700+ kids per year in the tea garden areas of rural West Bengal. We assist children who struggle academically, and work on reducing dropout rates in the area.

Promoting digital literacy can bridge the digital divide, reducing inequalities between urban and rural populations. It enhances educational opportunities for children and adults alike, providing access to online learning resources and educational content information that would otherwise be unavailable. We conduct computer literacy classes for rural and tribal youth in Odisha and Jharkhand. We also conduct computer literacy classes for Master Book Keepers of Self-Help Groups.

Parinaama trains Self-Help Groups and Panchayat Raj Institutions in grassroots leadership to generate a collective consciousness for social change in an economically backward region. The participants are provided with educational resources, leadership workshops, self-awareness sessions, and one-on-one mentoring to facilitate the experiential learning program. The program also includes lessons on the management of SHGs and PRIs such as record-keeping and book keeping and operations support, enabling them to become more effective in managing their groups and aid in motivating and improving the efficiency of human resources. The program is developed to help women develop the skills and confidence to challenge social norms and inequalities and become agents of change in their communities.
Grassroots Women Leadership Program
Parinaama trains Self-Help Groups and Panchayat Raj Institutions in grassroots leadership to generate a collective consciousness for social change in an economically backward region. The participants are provided with educational resources, leadership workshops, self-awareness sessions, and one-on-one mentoring to facilitate the experiential learning program. The program also includes lessons on the management of SHGs and PRIs such as record-keeping and book keeping and operations support, enabling them to become more effective in managing their groups and aid in motivating and improving the efficiency of human resources. The program is developed to help women develop the skills and confidence to challenge social norms and inequalities and become agents of change in their communities.